Saturday, August 01, 2009



c.a.r.r.i.e said...

dun thk too much ya....
happy thg alwaz keep in our mind de..
cheer up for the future...
and wish ur dream come true
(find a GOOD + HIGH SALARY job oo)...hahaa....

KAybE cHaNG said...

wao... nice try!!

Molly said...

hi there..i like the idea of handwriting a post :) your chinese handwriting looks good!
please don't say no, just take my compliment k? you haven't seen my chinese

oh ya, i guess you are from DMK too is it?..hmm..i failed that bloody FOA too...for....gosh i lost count..i forgot whether it was 4 or 5 times..hahaha..

oppsy, sorry for crapping so much here..have to good day :)

Kathy Yong said...

Hi Molly. firstly Welcome to my blog. haha. I knew you from Shirney's blog. you're from DMK 07-09? same with me? hmm.. I dont think i've seen you before? haha.. And yea, thanks for your compliment tho. LOL