Saturday, July 25, 2009

Unspoken words

It's 3.52am. Sitting in front of the pc, thinking how to express my feeling...
Sometimes, there's something you'd like to get it but it's too far or too hard to have it. Yes, I always cannot obtain what I want I like I love. I cannot fathom why is God not treating me like he treated others? People get everything they want, they wish. Maybe it's my bad? I don't know how to express my feeling to others and let them know what am I thinking? or maybe it's all my own ignorance? or somewhat I just let the something slide and let it be? or any else? Yes, it's too late to treasure when things left you.
I miss something I missed.
Somehow I'm thinking things that are not be able to obtain may be good for me, but why not I treasure the things I had as thus I don't need to be irritated. I wish to get back the things I missed, but I cant. It's already people's belongings. Sigh, what can I do?

1 comment:

c.a.r.r.i.e said...

hey..wat thg that u missed oo...sumore "It's already people's belongings"????
wat thg oo?