Hypocrisy means 虛偽 in chinese. Hypocrisy means a kind of act to pretend to have a feeling, an opinion or a comment that was not actual appeared in your head. It is thus a kind of lie. When it does not involve hurting any people, or without damaging any people's fame, Hypocrisy might be categorized as white lie. When the words the people said or the action he reacted is too over from the real life, it can be categorized in Hypocrisy!
Let's say, when a manager in a company is briefing with the staffs. He speaks out all the opinions and comments or suggestions, he'd like to know what do his staffs think about it. Some staffs would say : 'Your suggestion is good!' But at the same time, the words which came out from their mouth are not actually what they thought. This is so-called boot-licker!
雖然說他們是馬屁精, 但想想他們也是為了自己的飯碗, 為了掙口飯吃才表現虛偽.
I'd like to give another example, let's imagine that when you've got summon from a traffic police, you don't want to pay the summon but on the next day, you've got a letter from the government. The judge in the court will deliver judgment on your case. When the judge closed the case, you're trying to be courtesy and would simply say that you'll try to learn from the mistake, this enabled you to profound understanding on your mistake and maybe you'll say after the mistake you've done, you found that you'd like to enhance your EQ and your attitude. At the same time, you're feeling uncomfortable in your heart but for your on sake, you'd like to lie.
雖然知道過錯, 但心始終有不甘. 但是為了減輕懲罰, 說出一些違背自己良心的話語. 真虛偽!
或許最高尚的虛偽是謙虛? 這樣一來, 不但不得罪人, 而且還可以溫暖人心.
虛偽的人很討厭, 接受虛偽的人並不討厭, 但令人憐憫與同情, 因為他們不知道他們一直活在陷阱里.
實話實說固然可以, 但現今的社會, 太直腸直肚可能比較難生存. 因為現代人愛面子的問題, 不願虛心接受別人的評語與建議. 但是有時候我們卻可以試著使用比較婉轉的言語告訴他人, 或許可以避免一些尷尬的場面發生. 但又或許他人極力反駁你對他的看法, 你就應該忍, 不再跟他爭論, 因為你一定輸.
12.51am 15/11/2009 Sunday
My own thoughts above. No-offense.
Please forgive my broken english and my broken chinese.
Let's say, when a manager in a company is briefing with the staffs. He speaks out all the opinions and comments or suggestions, he'd like to know what do his staffs think about it. Some staffs would say : 'Your suggestion is good!' But at the same time, the words which came out from their mouth are not actually what they thought. This is so-called boot-licker!
雖然說他們是馬屁精, 但想想他們也是為了自己的飯碗, 為了掙口飯吃才表現虛偽.
I'd like to give another example, let's imagine that when you've got summon from a traffic police, you don't want to pay the summon but on the next day, you've got a letter from the government. The judge in the court will deliver judgment on your case. When the judge closed the case, you're trying to be courtesy and would simply say that you'll try to learn from the mistake, this enabled you to profound understanding on your mistake and maybe you'll say after the mistake you've done, you found that you'd like to enhance your EQ and your attitude. At the same time, you're feeling uncomfortable in your heart but for your on sake, you'd like to lie.
雖然知道過錯, 但心始終有不甘. 但是為了減輕懲罰, 說出一些違背自己良心的話語. 真虛偽!
或許最高尚的虛偽是謙虛? 這樣一來, 不但不得罪人, 而且還可以溫暖人心.
虛偽的人很討厭, 接受虛偽的人並不討厭, 但令人憐憫與同情, 因為他們不知道他們一直活在陷阱里.
實話實說固然可以, 但現今的社會, 太直腸直肚可能比較難生存. 因為現代人愛面子的問題, 不願虛心接受別人的評語與建議. 但是有時候我們卻可以試著使用比較婉轉的言語告訴他人, 或許可以避免一些尷尬的場面發生. 但又或許他人極力反駁你對他的看法, 你就應該忍, 不再跟他爭論, 因為你一定輸.
12.51am 15/11/2009 Sunday
My own thoughts above. No-offense.
Please forgive my broken english and my broken chinese.