Played Counter Strike for weeks even when we're having our final exam! I've totally addicted to it. That's horrible if I keep playing Counter Strike.
I'm scared that i will go CC alone someday (jk). LOL
It's seem crazy but this is the best way to reduce tension (;
Guess all of you would agree with me, right? =D
C'mon, you and me are students. This is student's life.......
Alright! I know it's kinda wasting money but there's no choice, we will be crazy and got mad if we kept on studying. We should have some reduce stress mechanism to help us during our tough time(Final Exam).
And now I'm trying my best to figure what the heck is FOA (Fundamental of Accounting)No doubt, it's hard and I've resitting for this paper for once. But I still couldn't manage to pass it. It's a so Damn-FUL paper!The very first time I took this paper, the result came out with a *F*The second time, I got a *C-* (damn fuck, as C is a PASS)I'm going to have this paper once again on 24th January 2009 and I'm fucking hope that I can pass it. Not only pass it, but do as well as I can.*Please give me LUCK and EASIER questions!*22.01.2009Playing cookie-cook cook at home today. 8 of us had totally burned off the kitchen! lolWe wanted to save money therefore we tried to cook at home! It only costs us RM4/person (Cheap to death for a damn full dinner)It's fun but tired! heheI've no any pictures of the dishes we'd cooked because once we put those dishes on the table, all of us grabbed the food like a lion. LOL *starving for whole day*****additional story-When we wanted to start cooking, it's ran outta GAS! *fainted*Good luck for me and for my friendssssssssssssssssssssss who are going to have this paper together with me! LOL GOOD LUCK AND ALL THE BEST, GUYS!Arrr.. I gotta continue studying my FOA now.